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bastard a child of unmarried parents; illegitimate child. [1/4 definitions]
celibacy the state of being unmarried, esp. as the result of a religious vow. [1/2 definitions]
celibate an unmarried person, esp. one who has taken a religious vow not to marry. [2/4 definitions]
chaperone a person, usu. older, who accompanies unmarried young people on social occasions to assure that no improper, unlawful, or unsafe behavior occurs. [1/2 definitions]
Fräulein (German) a young woman, esp. an unmarried woman (used as a form of address).
mademoiselle an unmarried woman, addressed courteously. (abbr.: Mlle.) [1/2 definitions]
maiden an unmarried girl or young woman. [3/4 definitions]
maidenhood the period of time or condition of being unmarried or a virgin.
maid of honor the principal unmarried female attendant of a bride at her wedding. [2 definitions]
miss2 (cap.) the traditional title of an unmarried woman, preceding the surname, and currently often replaced by "Ms.". [2 definitions]
Mlle. abbreviation of "Mademoiselle," an unmarried woman, addressed courteously.
old maid an old unmarried woman; spinster (usu. used disparagingly). [1/3 definitions]
palimony a form of alimony, granted or paid after the separation of an unmarried couple who have lived as though married for a substantial period.
seņorita a Spanish-speaking unmarried woman or girl. [1/2 definitions]
signorina an Italian title of respect for a girl or unmarried woman, similar to "Miss".
single being unmarried. [1/12 definitions]
singles bar a bar that serves as a meeting place for young, unmarried people.
virgin an unmarried woman, esp. one who has taken a vow of chastity for religious reasons. [1/6 definitions]