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Dictionary Suite
booty1 riches or goods stolen or taken as plunder in war; loot. [1/2 definitions]
despoil to forcefully take belongings or goods from; plunder.
flay to take all the goods of; plunder. [1/3 definitions]
foray a quick raid or sudden advance, usu. military and often to take forage or plunder. [1/3 definitions]
gut to destroy or plunder the interior of. [1/11 definitions]
invade to enter as an enemy, by force, in order to conquer or plunder. [1/4 definitions]
invader one who enters as an enemy, by force, in order to conquer or plunder. [1/2 definitions]
loot to forcibly remove goods or valuables from (a place), usu. under conditions of war or general disorder; plunder; pillage. [2/7 definitions]
maraud to rove about in search of plunder; make a raid. [2 definitions]
marauder one who raids or invades in order to plunder.
pillage to openly and forcefully seize goods from, as during a war; plunder. [4 definitions]
pirate to attack and plunder (a ship at sea). [2/7 definitions]
ransack to search through thoroughly, esp. for items to steal; plunder.
rapine the taking of property by force; robbery; plunder.
reave to plunder or pillage. [1/3 definitions]
sack2 to rob of valuables after capturing; plunder; despoil. [1/3 definitions]