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absent-minded not paying attention to the immediate task or event because one's mind is preoccupied with other matters.
absorption total engagement of one's mind and attention. [1/2 definitions]
abstract to attract the attention of; divert. [1/13 definitions]
accentuate to emphasize; draw attention to. [1/2 definitions]
ADA abbreviation of "attention deficit disorder." [1/2 definitions]
address to direct attention to; deal with or be concerned with. [2/9 definitions]
ADHD abbreviation of "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder"; a mental disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by impulsiveness and excessive activity.
advert to direct the attention by comment or remark (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/2 definitions]
advertent paying attention; heedful.
advertise to direct attention to. [1/4 definitions]
advertisement a notice or public announcement designed to gain public attention, esp. to promote the sale of certain products. [1/2 definitions]
advt. abbreviation of "advertisement," a notice or public announcement designed to gain public attention, esp. to promote the sale of certain products.
ahoy a greeting to attract attention or hail a ship.
allow to permit by not paying close enough attention. [1/5 definitions]
amitriptyline a tricyclic antidepressant drug used to treat depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other mental disorders.
amuse to occupy the attention of in a pleasing manner; entertain. [1/2 definitions]
anal in psychoanalysis, denoting or pertaining to a stage of psychological development characterized by interest in or attention to the anus. [1/2 definitions]
appeal capacity for attracting interest and attention. [1/7 definitions]
arresting capable of attracting and holding attention. [1/2 definitions]
asterism in printing, three asterisks arranged in a triangle, used to call attention to a passage of text. [1/2 definitions]
attend to listen to or pay attention to. [3/8 definitions]