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anal in psychoanalysis, denoting or pertaining to a stage of psychological development characterized by interest in or attention to the anus. [1/2 definitions]
anguish unbearable pain or suffering, esp. psychological. [1/2 definitions]
anorexia a psychological disorder marked by the inability to eat or the persistent refusal of food; anorexia nervosa. (Cf. bulimarexia.)
behaviorism in psychology, the doctrine that observable behavior, rather than mental events or consciousness, gives the only valid evidence for study, and that environmental influences predominate in human psychological development.
bildungsroman a novel that concerns itself primarily with the psychological and moral development of the main character, usually from youth into adulthood.
brainwash to alter a person's ideas or beliefs by forceful means such as physical torture or psychological stress. [1/4 definitions]
capable having the psychological makeup that allows a particular emotion or the carrying out of particular act (usu. fol. by "of"). [1/3 definitions]
depressed experiencing psychological depression, a mood disorder characterized by pervasive sadness or hopelessness. [1/4 definitions]
depressive of, related to, or characterized by psychological depression. [2/3 definitions]
depth psychology the psychological study of the unconscious mind.
detoxify to rid (someone) of a physical or psychological addiction to alcohol or other drugs. [1/2 definitions]
drive a strong psychological motivation. [1/18 definitions]
escape mechanism a psychological strategy that a person uses to evade something disagreeable.
fetishism a psychological disorder in which an object stimulates sexual passion. [1/2 definitions]
fixate to develop and persist in an immature psychological attachment, or to suffer arrested emotional development. [1/5 definitions]
fixation the arrest of psychological development at some stage before maturity, esp. in early childhood. [1/3 definitions]
form state of physical or psychological fitness for athletic or other activities. [1/16 definitions]
future shock the physical or psychological distress caused by the inability to adjust to the many technological changes in modern society.
gaslight to use psychological manipulation in an attempt to make (a person or persons) believe that they are losing their sanity or that their memories or valid suspicions are false. [1/3 definitions]
gaslighting psychological manipulation that attempts to make a person or persons believe that they are losing their sanity or that their memories or valid suspicions are false.
Gestalt psychology a psychological theory that holds that experience is composed of gestalts and that an organism's response to a situation cannot be analyzed as a sum of its elements.