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alt.2 abbreviation of "altitude," the height of a given object or location above a specified base, such as sea level or earth, esp. the angular distance of a celestial body, measured from the horizon.
altitude in astronomy, the angular distance of a celestial body, measured from the horizon. [1/4 definitions]
azimuth an arc measured horizontally and clockwise from a point north, in navigation, or a point south, in astronomy, to another point where a vertical circle intersects the horizon. [1/2 definitions]
cityscape any view of a city, esp. one in which the buildings are viewed against the horizon. [1/2 definitions]
go down to disappear from sight below the horizon; set. [1/5 definitions]
horizonless combined form of horizon.
horizontal parallel to the horizon or to the earth; ninety degrees from vertical.
level being on a line with the horizon or parallel to the ground. [1/15 definitions]
Milky Way the galaxy that contains the earth, the sun, and the solar system, and that is visible in the night sky as a long ribbon of cloudlike clusters of stars from one horizon to the other.
moonrise the appearance of the moon above the earth's horizon, or the time at which this occurs.
moonset the dropping of the moon below the earth's horizon, or the time at which this occurs.
polar night in polar regions, the time of the year when the sun does not rise above the horizon, esp. a period of 24 hours or more when there is no twilight.
rise to ascend upward from behind the horizon. [2/24 definitions]
set to go below the horizon; sink. [1/25 definitions]
skyline the line formed by the apparent boundary between the earth and the sky; horizon. [1/2 definitions]
sundown the time when the sun sinks below the horizon; sunset.
sunrise the moment each day at which the sun first becomes visible above the eastern horizon. [2 definitions]
sunset the moment each day when the sun disappears below the western horizon. [2 definitions]
twilight the faint light of the sky when the sun is below the horizon either after sunset or just before sunrise. [1/7 definitions]
up above the horizon. [1/34 definitions]
uprise to appear, esp. from below the horizon; rise. [1/6 definitions]