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ancien régime (French) the political and social structure of France before the French Revolution in 1789. [1/2 definitions]
bastille (cap.) the state prison in Paris that was attacked and taken by French revolutionists in 1789. [1/2 definitions]
carmagnole a popular song and street dance of the French Revolution. [1/2 definitions]
Jacobin a member of a society of radical democrats that used terrorist tactics during the French Revolution. [1/3 definitions]
Reign of Terror the period of the French Revolution from 1793 to 1794 during which many persons, esp. members of the aristocracy, were executed.
sans-culotte a member of the poorly dressed revolutionary army in the French Revolution. [1/2 definitions]
sol2 a coin and monetary unit of France prior to the French Revolution, worth one-twentieth of a livre or twelve deniers.
tumbrel a crude cart used during the French Revolution to transport condemned prisoners to the guillotine. [1/2 definitions]