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bias an inclination or preference that influences judgment; prejudice. [1/8 definitions]
conservatism a political preference for maintaining established institutions and customs and changing only gradually, or the acts and practices resulting from this preference. [2 definitions]
druthers (informal) preference or choice.
fancy an idea, opinion, or preference, sometimes not based on reason or reality. [1/14 definitions]
favor preference or partiality. [2/11 definitions]
get one's way to manage to obtain one's particular wish or preference, regardless of the wishes or objections of others.
handed of or pertaining to the preference for or dexterity in using one hand rather than the other (usu. used in combination). [1/2 definitions]
inclination a tendency towards; preference; liking. [1/5 definitions]
inclined having a tendency toward or preference for a particular behavior, action, or way of thinking or feeling. [1/2 definitions]
indifferent without preference or prejudice; impartial; neutral. [1/4 definitions]
instead in place of something; in preference.
leaning preference or tendency; inclination.
liking a feeling of preference, enjoyment, or fondness. [1/2 definitions]
masochism an act or instance of, or preference for, deriving pleasure from being subjected to pain, humiliation, domination, or the like. (Cf. sadism.)
noncommittal not revealing what one's preference, feeling, or opinion is.
orientation the direction taken by a tendency, habit, pattern of thought, or preference. [1/5 definitions]
over in preference to. [1/29 definitions]
pari passu without preference or partiality; fairly. [1/2 definitions]
pleasure a desire or preference. [1/6 definitions]
predilection an inclination to favor something; partiality or preference.
preemption the act or right of claiming or purchasing something, such as public land, before or in preference to others.