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Dictionary Suite
Achaea an historic region of Greece along the northern coast of the Peloponnesus. [1/2 definitions]
Achaean of or pertaining to Achaea, a historic region of Greece along the northern coast of the Peloponnesus. [1/3 definitions]
Cape Maleia the southeastern promontory of the Peloponnesus, where, in Greek mythology, Odysseus was thrown off course.
Doric the ancient Greek dialect spoken in the Peloponnesus, Crete, various Dodecanese islands, Sicily, and southern Italy. [1/3 definitions]
Maleia the southeastern promontory of the Peloponnesus, where, in Greek mythology, Odysseus was thrown off course; Cape Maleia.
Mycenae a major center of ancient Greek civilization located in the northeastern Peloponnesus.
Mycenaean of or pertaining to Mycenae, a major center of ancient Greek civilization located in the northeastern Peloponnesus. [1/2 definitions]
Peloponnese a large and historically significant peninsula in southern Greece; Peloponnesus.