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auction bridge a version of bridge in which players bid for the right to specify which suit will be trump, any extra tricks won beyond the contract being scored toward a game.
discard in card games, to throw out (a card) from one's hand, or play (a card in a different suit from the one led, and not a trump). [1/5 definitions]
euchre in euchre, to prevent the trump declarer from gaining three tricks. [1/3 definitions]
no-trump of a hand or contract in bridge, to be played without specifying a trump suit. [2 definitions]
tarot (sometimes cap.) any of a set of twenty-two playing cards that bear allegorical pictures, used in fortunetelling and as the trump cards in a game played with seventy-eight cards.
trump in certain card games, to win (cards) by using a trump. [2/5 definitions]