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commercial bank a bank that is involved primarily in receiving demand deposits that are used as checking accounts, and in making short-term loans.
floating short-term and unfunded, as debt arising from current operations, or not invested and available for current expenses, as capital. [1/5 definitions]
money market the trade in money or funds as they are borrowed or lent short-term by large agencies or the government.
money-market fund a mutual fund whose investments are of a short-term nature and consist of commercial paper or treasury bills, usu. giving a fairly high interest rate.
pop-up pertaining to or being a business establishment that is set up very quickly and intended to operate on a short-term, temporary basis. [1/6 definitions]
rollover the movement of funds from one investment to another, esp. the repeated investment of the proceeds of short-term securities upon maturity. [1/3 definitions]
short-run lasting or enduring for only a brief time; short-term.