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codify to classify and organize, esp. into a legal code.
collectivize to organize or reorganize (an economy, business, or industry) based on collective ownership and control of the means of production and distribution.
color-code to organize, classify, or designate according to color.
coordinate to order or organize according to a common goal. [1/11 definitions]
disorganized failing to organize one's tasks, surroundings, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
embody to collect or organize into one body or system. [1/3 definitions]
engineer to make, organize, or manage by skillful craft. [1/5 definitions]
format to arrange or organize so that a particular appearance is achieved. [1/5 definitions]
grade to organize or sort by steps or degrees; class. [1/9 definitions]
hold1 to organize, have, or preside over. [1/18 definitions]
initiative the power, ability, or energy to organize or actively carry through a plan. [1/3 definitions]
line1 to arrange for or organize; make ready (fol. by "up"). [1/20 definitions]
Medgar Evers American civil rights activist during the 1950s and early sixties. Evers worked to desegregate Mississippi schools, set up voter registration drives, helped organize economic boycotts of white businesses engaging in discrimination, and investigated crimes against black citizens. He was assassinated by a member of a white supremacist group in 1963. (b. 1925--d. 1963).
methodize to organize in accordance with a method. [1/2 definitions]
mobilize to assemble, organize, or adapt (industries, supplies, facilities, or the like) for immediate use or service in times of war or states of emergency. [1/4 definitions]
order to put in order; organize. [1/17 definitions]
organized tending to organize one's tasks, surroundings, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
outorganize combined form of organize.
overorganize combined form of organize.
plan to organize or develop a plan for. [1/7 definitions]
produce to organize and present (a film, play, concert, or the like) for public entertainment. [1/7 definitions]