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ace in the hole a resource that remains unrevealed or unused until a particular need arises.
adapt to make fit or suitable for a particular need or condition; adjust. [1/2 definitions]
adequate good enough or well enough suited for the situation or need; satisfactory. [1/3 definitions]
almshouse (old-fashioned) an institution financed from public funds that provides shelter to those in need; poorhouse. [2 definitions]
appetite any physical desire or need. [1/3 definitions]
besetting constantly tormenting, troubling, or preoccupying, as a need, temptation, or sin.
blind beyond reason or the need for evidence. [1/11 definitions]
bull's-eye something that exactly meets a need or aim. [1/3 definitions]
call a demand or need. [1/22 definitions]
convenience the quality of being suitable or handy for one's purpose or need. [1/4 definitions]
could do with would benefit from (something); need or needs to some degree.
crave to desire intensely or need urgently. [1/3 definitions]
defensive reflecting a need to protect oneself from a real or perceived attack. [1/6 definitions]
demand to need or require. [1/9 definitions]
deprivation the condition or state of not having something that one needs, esp. a thing that all or most people need, such as safety, affection, food, and shelter; privation. [1/3 definitions]
desert2 to leave or fail to help in a time of need. [1/3 definitions]
desiderate to want, need, or long for.
desire a need or longing. [1/5 definitions]
desperate having no regard for danger as the result of hopelessness or great need. [2/4 definitions]
desperately in a desperate way; with a sense of extreme urgency, need, or despair. [1/2 definitions]
distress a state of extreme need or trouble. [1/4 definitions]