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calypso an orchid that bears a pinkish flower having a slipper-shaped lip. [1/3 definitions]
cypripedium any of various ground-rooted orchids that have flat leaves and bear flowers having pouchlike lip petals, such as the lady's-slipper. [1/2 definitions]
lady's-slipper any of various related orchids that bear flowers with a protruding, inflated lip that somewhat resembles a woman's slipper.
moccasin a soft leather shoe or slipper without a hard sole or a heel, made originally by American Indians. [2/3 definitions]
moccasin flower any of several orchids of North America, esp. the lady's-slipper.
mukluk a similar soft boot of leather, cloth, or knitted material, worn as a house slipper. [1/2 definitions]
mule2 a house slipper for women, with a raised heel but no back.
scuff a variety of flat slipper without a back. [1/6 definitions]
toe the front section or end of something that is worn on the foot, such as a slipper or sock. [1/7 definitions]