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above in an earlier place in a book or other piece of writing. [3/9 definitions]
abovementioned introduced or discussed in an earlier part of a written text. [1/2 definitions]
aforesaid mentioned or said earlier.
again used to emphasize an idea that one has earlier expressed in the same conversation, speech, or text. [1/5 definitions]
ahead of in advance of; earlier in time than. [1/3 definitions]
already from an earlier time. [1/3 definitions]
American Standard Version an American revision of the King James Version of the Bible, taken primarily from the earlier Revised Version and published in 1901; American Revised Version.
ante- before; earlier than. [1/2 definitions]
antecedent (pl.) ancestors; earlier life. [1/4 definitions]
antedate to be earlier than; precede in time. [2/3 definitions]
anterior earlier in time. [1/2 definitions]
antique made in or belonging to earlier times; of a period long past. [2/5 definitions]
Archean of, relating to, or designating the earlier of two geological periods of the Precambrian Era, ending approximately 2.5 billion years ago, during which highly crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks were formed; Early Precambrian; Archeozoic; azoic. [1/2 definitions]
artifact any object made by human beings, esp. one of an earlier era. [1/2 definitions]
atavistic of a trait, behavior, or the like, existing or playing a role at an earlier stage or time and recurring or reappearing within an organism or within a society after long absence or seeming disappearance.
back owed from an earlier time; overdue. [2/15 definitions]
back-pedal to retreat from an earlier position; withdraw. [1/3 definitions]
backtrack to go back to an earlier opinion or policy. [1/2 definitions]
back up to return to an earlier point in one's story or account, or give explanatory background to what one is saying. [1/8 definitions]
backward toward or into an earlier time. [1/8 definitions]
before at an earlier time; in the past. [1/8 definitions]