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Dictionary Suite
bunkhouse a building in which many workers can sleep, as on a large farm or ranch.
cowhand a cattle ranch employee; cowboy or cowgirl.
cowman a man who owns cattle or manages a cattle ranch. [1/2 definitions]
domesticate to tame (an animal), esp. in order to keep as a pet or to use on a farm or ranch. [1/2 definitions]
dude an inexperienced person or a city dweller, esp. one who is vacationing on a western U.S. ranch. [1/3 definitions]
dude ranch a vacation resort operated like a ranch, offering horseback riding and other similar outdoor pastimes.
hacienda in Spanish-speaking countries, a large estate used as a farm or ranch, or the estate owner's house.
livestock (used with a sing. or pl. verb) domestic animals, such as cows, horses, or sheep, raised or kept on a farm or ranch.
ranch those living and working on a ranch. [2/3 definitions]
rancher one who raises cattle, horses, or the like on a ranch or on the open range.
ranchero in the southwestern United States and Mexico, one who owns or works on a ranch; rancher.
ranch house the owner's house on a ranch. [1/2 definitions]
rancho a ranch.
spread farmland; ranch. [1/18 definitions]
stud2 a stable, farm, or ranch where such animals are kept; stud farm. [1/4 definitions]