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dinghy a small boat used to tend a larger one, usu. as a lifeboat or for short trips to shore and back. [1/2 definitions]
flying gunnard any of several mostly tropical marine fishes with colorful winglike pectoral fins that enable them to glide above the water for short distances.
freelancer a person whose profession involves taking on various assignments from different employers, generally for short periods.
gurnard any of a family of marine fishes having enlarged pectoral fins with which they can glide through the air for short distances; flying gurnard or butterfly fish. [1/2 definitions]
half size any size in women's dresses, coats, and other garments that is suitable for short, full-figured women.
jail a building in which a government confines accused or convicted offenders, usu. for short periods. [1/3 definitions]
petit mal a form of epilepsy characterized by unconsciousness for short periods of time, but usu. no convulsions. (Cf. grand mal.)
scratch used for short notes, drafts, or doodling. [1/22 definitions]
self-reproach the act or process of blaming oneself for shortcomings, errors, misdeeds, or the like.