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asterisk a sign (*) used to indicate a footnote, an omission, or a break in the text, and for various other purposes. [1/2 definitions]
burglarize to break into a building with the intention of committing a crime, esp. stealing.
crack (informal) to break into (a safe or the like). [1/15 definitions]
crack up (informal) to break into uncontrollable laughter. [1/2 definitions]
dash a punctuation mark (--) used to indicate a break in thought, a parenthetical element, or the like. [1/12 definitions]
diffraction modification of light or other waves by partially obstructing them so that they bend around the obstruction and break into bands of different frequencies.
fall apart to break into pieces. [1/4 definitions]
fault a break in a body of rock that is part of the earth's crust, with the result that the planes of contiguous surfaces are displaced. [1/7 definitions]
fraction to divide up or break into parts or fragments. [1/4 definitions]
fracture to break or cause a break in, esp. a bone. [1/7 definitions]
hiatus a gap or break in activity, time, or space; interruption. [1/2 definitions]
layover a temporary halt or break in a journey; stopover.
recess a limited break in ongoing activity, such as courtroom proceedings or school classes. [1/5 definitions]
rent2 a break in relations, as between nations or persons. [1/3 definitions]
rift a break in social relations, because of a difference of opinion, quarrel, or the like; breach. [1/4 definitions]
segue to continue without a break into the next section or theme. [1/2 definitions]
shear to come apart or break in layers. [1/7 definitions]
water gap a crosswise break in a mountain ridge, cut by the stream that flows through it.