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CCC abbreviation of "Civilian Conservation Corps," the New Deal program in the U.S. (1933-42) that provided conservation work for the unemployed during the Great Depression, through activities such as constructing and maintaining buildings and trails for state and national parks.
Civilian Conservation Corps the New Deal program in the U.S. (1933-42) that provided conservation work for the unemployed during the Great Depression, through activities such as constructing and maintaining buildings and trails for state and national parks.
idle not active or in use; not working or scheduled to work; unemployed; unoccupied. [1/10 definitions]
social security (often cap.) in the United States, an assistance plan for the elderly, unemployed, or disabled funded by mandatory contributions from employers, employees, and the government. [1/3 definitions]
subemployed of or designating workers who are unemployed, underemployed, or paid wages that are too low to subsist on.
unemployment compensation regular payment of a certain amount of money to an unemployed person by a government agency.
Works Progress Administration the New Deal program in the U.S. (1935-43) that provided work for the unemployed during the Great Depression (later known as Work Projects Administration).
WPA abbreviation of "Works Progress Administration," the New Deal program in the U.S. (1935-43) that provided work for the unemployed during the Great Depression (later known as Work Projects Administration).