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adult having grown to maturity. [1/6 definitions]
aged having certain improvements because of age or maturity. [1/5 definitions]
Beat Generation (sometimes l.c.) used to characterize some members of the generation that reached maturity in the late 1950s, esp. in the United States, who were alienated from conventional society and who promoted experimentation in artistic and literary forms.
coming-of-age arrival at maturity, prominence, or respectability.
cut one's wisdom teeth to attain maturity; arrive at an age when decisions must be made and discretion practiced.
discount to buy or sell (commercial paper) at a reduction based on interest to be accumulated before maturity. [1/12 definitions]
filly a female horse that has not yet reached or has only recently reached maturity. [1/2 definitions]
fixation the arrest of psychological development at some stage before maturity, esp. in early childhood. [1/3 definitions]
grown having reached maturity. [1/2 definitions]
grown-up having reached adulthood or maturity. [1/2 definitions]
homogamy the condition of a plant whose stamens and pistils reach maturity together. [1/3 definitions]
indehiscent not opening at maturity to release its seeds, as certain fruits.
juvenile not yet having attained maturity; not adult; young. [1/4 definitions]
late bloomer one who achieves maturity, proficiency, or the like at a more advanced age than is considered normal or usual.
mature to cause to ripen or develop fully; bring to maturity. [1/9 definitions]
neuter an animal or plant lacking completely developed sexual organs at maturity. [1/9 definitions]
overmaturity combined form of maturity.
pony any of several breeds of horse that are small at maturity. [1/3 definitions]
rear2 to raise to maturity. [1/4 definitions]
ripe mature or in maturity, as a person. [1/5 definitions]
rollover the movement of funds from one investment to another, esp. the repeated investment of the proceeds of short-term securities upon maturity. [1/3 definitions]