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Dictionary Suite
chemoreception the response of a sense organ or nerve ending to a chemical stimulus.
ectoderm an animal embryo's outermost layer of cells, from which the skin, nervous system, and sense organs develop.
palpus a jointed feeler or sense organ for tasting and touching that is attached to a head appendage or near the mouth in many crustaceans and insects.
photoreceptor a cell on a sense organ or nerve, such as the eye or the optic nerve, that detects light, or the organ or nerve itself.
sensation a perception by means of one of the sense organs. [1/5 definitions]
sensory of or pertaining to the transmitting of stimuli from the sense organs to the brain. [1/2 definitions]
taste bud any of the oval or rounded cell structures on the surface of the tongue that form the sense organ of taste.