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Canaan the Biblical name of the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, which is now the state of Israel. [1/2 definitions]
canticle a song or chant, esp. a nonmetrical hymn of worship with words taken from a Biblical text.
flood (cap.) the deluge described in the biblical account of Noah. [1/8 definitions]
Israelite a member of the Hebrew people, esp. of Biblical times. [1/2 definitions]
Judah one of the sons of the Biblical patriarch Jacob and the ancestor of one of the ancient Hebrew tribes.
leviathan a Biblical sea monster. [1/3 definitions]
mezuzah a small case containing a piece of parchment inscribed with Biblical passages, that is traditionally attached to the doorpost of a Jewish home.
midrash an interpretation of a Biblical text as was written by early Jewish scholars to explain Hebrew scriptures. [1/2 definitions]
miracle play a type of medieval religious drama that depicted the lives of saints or Biblical stories.
Modern Hebrew the Hebrew language of post-Biblical times, esp. the language of modern Israel.
mystery play a medieval representation, in dramatic form, of a Biblical event, esp. the life, death, or resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Cf. miracle play, morality play.)
oratorio a musical composition for voices and orchestra without costumes or scenery, usu. dramatizing a biblical subject.
Philistia an ancient country that flourished in southwestern Palestine in biblical times.
postbiblical combined form of biblical.
postdiluvian existing or occurring following the Biblical flood. [2 definitions]
prebiblical combined form of biblical.
Psalms a book of the Old Testament that contains a varied collection of prayers, poetry, and hymns, often ascribed to David, Solomon, Moses, and other biblical sages.
pseudepigrapha a group of early writings, some of which were falsely attributed to Biblical characters.
Rabbinic of or designating the post-Biblical Hebrew language, as used by rabbis in the Middle Ages.
tropology a type of biblical interpretation that emphasizes the morally uplifting nature of tropes or figurative language. [1/3 definitions]
unclean impure or unfit for consumption, copulation, or ceremonial use, according to biblical laws. [1/3 definitions]