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afloat on the water; floating. [2/6 definitions]
awash floating on and carried along by waves. [2/4 definitions]
ball cock a device used to regulate the supply of water in a tank or toilet, consisting of a lever connected to a floating ball that shuts a valve when raised and opens it when lowered.
barnacle any of a large group of marine crustaceans that are free-floating as larvae, but attach to submerged or intertidal surfaces such as wharves, rocks, ship bottoms, and the like, and form sharp-edged shells as adults. [1/3 definitions]
basking shark any of several large plankton-eating sharks, often found floating near the ocean's surface.
birl to rotate (a floating log) by running in place on its exposed surface, as in a contest among lumberjacks.
birling a game or contest of skill between two lumberjacks, won by whoever maintains his balance longest while balancing on and rotating a floating log.
bob2 to try to seize floating or dangling objects with the mouth, as in a game. [1/5 definitions]
boom2 a floating enclosure, made of chains or ropes, that is used to confine floating objects such as boats and timber. [1/5 definitions]
displacement the weight or volume of fluid displaced by a floating object, esp. the amount of water displaced by a ship. [1/4 definitions]
driftwood wood that has been left upon a beach by water or is floating on water.
floating island a dessert of soft custard having whipped cream or meringue floating atop it. [2 definitions]
float valve a valve controlled by a floating device.
floe a mass of sheet ice floating usu. on the sea, or a detached piece of such a mass.
flotation the act or condition of floating. [1/3 definitions]
flotsam floating wreckage and cargo of a ship that has sunk. (See "jetsam.") [1/2 definitions]
flying boat a large floating seaplane with a hull-shaped body.
gossamer a delicate spider web, esp. one that has become attached to a plant or is floating freely in the air. [1/3 definitions]
Great Pacific Garbage Patch a vast accummulation of debris made up primarily of tiny plastic particles floating in the upper column of water in the north central region of the Pacific Ocean.
iceberg a large floating mass of ice that has broken from a glacier. [1/2 definitions]
ice field a large mass of floating sea ice, larger than an ice floe and usu. at least five miles wide. [1/2 definitions]