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aw (informal) used to express protest, displeasure, disbelief, sympathy, or the like.
bollocks (chiefly British; vulgar slang) used to express strong disagreement, disbelief, or irritation. [1/3 definitions]
bullshit (vulgar slang) used to express disbelief, disgust, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
c'mon (informal) contracted form of "come on," used to express disbelief. [1/2 definitions]
come on used to express disbelief. [1/7 definitions]
dazed stunned with shock or disbelief. [1/2 definitions]
horseshit (slang) used to express disbelief, disgust, irritation, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
incredulous in a state of skepticism, wonder, or disbelief. [1/2 definitions]
man (slang) used to express disbelief, amazement, exasperation, frustration, anger, or the like. [1/9 definitions]
no1 used to express shock, disbelief, fear, or great disappointment. [1/7 definitions]
oh used to express surprise, pain, disbelief, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
popeyed having bulging, wide-open eyes, as in astonishment or disbelief.
pshaw an expression of disbelief, annoyance, or the like.
shit (slang) used to express disgust, disbelief, anger, or the like. [1/11 definitions]
shock1 a state of intense emotional upset or excitement, often combined with disbelief, caused by witnessing or being involved in a sudden traumatic event or learning of terrible or exciting news. [1/9 definitions]
skepticism distrust or disbelief, or a general tendency to doubt and question. [2/3 definitions]
squint-eyed looking with eyes squinted, as in malice, disbelief, or disapproval. [1/2 definitions]
unbelief lack of belief; doubt or disbelief, esp. of religious tenets and doctrines.