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AAA abbreviation of "American Automobile Association," an association that provides travel-related discounts and services to its members.
aardvark a nocturnal mammal of southern Africa that has a long snout, long ears, and powerful claws for digging, and that feeds on ants using its extensile tongue.
absolute pitch the exact pitch of a single musical tone as determined by its rate of vibrations as measured on a standard scale. [1/2 definitions]
absolute value the magnitude of a real number irrespective of its sign; distance of a real number from zero. [1/2 definitions]
abyss anything resembling an abyss in its extent, unmeasurableness, or profundity. [1/2 definitions]
AC2 abbreviation of "athletic club," a club that provides athletic equipment and sports-related services to its members.
Acapulco a port city on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico, known for its resorts and water sports.
account an arrangement with a store or other business that allows a customer to pay for goods or services on credit offered by the store instead of the customer using cash at the time of sale or using a standard credit card. In such cases, the store generally offers its own store credit card. [1/16 definitions]
acetylcholine a form of this compound used in medicine for its ability to decrease blood pressure and cause muscular movement in such organs as the alimentary canal. [1/2 definitions]
acoustics (used with a pl. verb) the conditions of a physical space that determine its ability to transmit sound. [1/2 definitions]
acrylic a synthetic fiber, resin, or paint made from acrylic acid or its derivatives. [1/2 definitions]
action a legal proceeding wherein one party demands its right or claims that wrong has been done by another party; a lawsuit. [1/8 definitions]
action-adventure a genre of films, video games, and the like having an exciting undertaking involving risk and danger as its main story line, and involving one or more heroes engaged in a series of physical challenges. [1/2 definitions]
active immunity an organism's immunity to a disease because of its production of antibodies.
Aeolian of or relating to Aeolis, its people, or its culture. [1/3 definitions]
aesthetic of or relating to beauty or to the study of beauty and its forms. [1/3 definitions]
affix in grammar, a word element that, when added to a word, modifies its meaning or function; prefix, infix, or suffix. [1/5 definitions]
Afghan of or pertaining to Afghanistan or its people, culture, language, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
A-frame an upright supporting frame in the shape of an "A," or a house constructed with one or more such frames as its main structural supports.
African of or having to do with Africa, or its people or languages. [1/2 definitions]
aftereffect an effect that follows its cause after some period of time, such as a delayed effect caused by a medicine or exposure to chemicals.