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arson the illegal act of burning buildings, another's or one's own, for malicious purposes or to claim insurance money.
backstreet originating, operating, or carried out in a secret, often illegal, manner. [1/2 definitions]
battery in law, the illegal act of assaulting another person so as to cause injury. [1/5 definitions]
black market the illegal purchase or sale of goods in violation of restrictions such as price controls or rationing, customs laws, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
bomber a person who uses bombs, esp. in terrorism or other illegal acts. [1/2 definitions]
bootleg to smuggle or otherwise participate in the unauthorized or illegal sale of. [2/4 definitions]
break in to enter a home or other property by force, without authorization, and with an illegal purpose. [1/3 definitions]
break-in an incident in which a home or other property is entered without authorization and for an illegal purpose, especially that of burglary.
break into to enter (a home, vehicle, or other property) by force, without authorization, and with an illegal purpose. [1/6 definitions]
cat's-paw a person exploited by another as a tool or dupe, esp. to do something illegal or risky. [1/2 definitions]
closed season any period during which it is illegal to fish for, capture, or hunt certain animal or fish species.
crime illegal activity in general. [1/3 definitions]
deportation the legal expulsion from a country of an undesirable person, esp. an illegal alien or criminal.
dirty tricks (informal) unethical or illegal acts, esp. against a political opponent, designed to disrupt or undermine the opponent's activities, as during a campaign. [1/2 definitions]
dogfight to arrange an illegal dogfight. [1/4 definitions]
dog fighting the fighting between dogs that is arranged by humans so that the competition can be watched for entertainment and/or betted upon. The bringing of dogs together to fight is an illegal activity in all U.S. states and many other regions of the world.
double dribble in basketball, the illegal action of a player who either dribbles the ball with both hands or resumes dribbling after a complete stop.
drug abuse the use of illegal drugs, especially in a habitual or harmful way, or the use of any drug in doses or for purposes outside their intended medical use.
drug-trafficking dealing in the production, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs, esp. the transporting of drugs into countries where they are prohibited.
exposé the public exposure or revelation of something negative, such as personal secrets or illegal activities.
false arrest the illegal restraint or detention of a person by another who claims to have legal authority, usu. a police officer.