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amide an organic compound derived from ammonia, such as acetamide, or a metallic derivative, such as sodium amide.
blende any of certain other shiny metallic sulfides. [1/2 definitions]
chelate in chemistry, of or designating a compound in which the central metallic ion is bonded with two or more nonmetallic atoms to form a closed chain. [3/7 definitions]
clank a short, metallic sound that does not resonate. [1/4 definitions]
copper the reddish brown metallic color of copper. [1/7 definitions]
die casting the process of forcing molten metal into a metallic mold under pressure to make castings. [1/2 definitions]
electrolyte a conducting solution in which the movement of non-metallic ions accompanies a flow of electric current. [1/2 definitions]
galloon a braid or trimming made of lace, metallic thread, or worsted.
glass a hard, breakable, usu. transparent material made from silica and metallic oxides and used for windows, bottles, mirrors, and the like. [1/5 definitions]
gold a metallic yellow color like that of gold metal. [1/11 definitions]
gong a large metallic disk that makes a deep resonant sound when struck with a stick or mallet. [1/2 definitions]
high-tech a style of design, esp. interior design, or a type of material that suggests modern industry by being metallic or plastic, having simple utilitarian lines, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
jangle to cause to make a harsh, unmelodious, metallic sound. [1/4 definitions]
lamé a fabric with metallic thread woven into it.
lusterware highly glazed earthenware with a metallic sheen caused by the addition of metal oxides to the glaze.
manganese a chemical element that has twenty-five protons in each nucleus and that forms a dense, hard, grayish white metallic solid, used in the manufacture of steel or as an amethyst colorant in glass. (symbol: Mn)
mirror a smooth, reflecting surface, usu. glass, with a metallic or similar backing. [1/5 definitions]
multimetallic combined form of metallic.
neodymium a rare-earth metallic chemical element that has sixty protons in each nucleus and that occurs most frequently as a trivalent ion in salts and minerals, used esp. in coloring high-quality optical glass. (symbol: Nd)
old gold a soft metallic yellow color.
photoemission the emission of photoelectrons from a surface, esp. a metallic one, induced by the absorption of electromagnetic radiation such as visible light.