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aphtha a small white spot or blister on the lips or in the mouth or intestines that is a symptom of certain viral or fungal infections.
cough an illness with coughing as a main symptom. [1/6 definitions]
foam frothy sweat on the skin of a horse or other animal, or frothy saliva at the mouth, esp. after vigorous exercise or as a symptom of rabies. [1/6 definitions]
geophagy the practice of eating earthy matter such as clay or chalk, as during a famine or as a symptom of mental illness.
indication a symptom of a particular medical condition. [1/3 definitions]
prognostic an indication or symptom on which to base a medical prognosis. [1/4 definitions]
prognosticate to be a sign or symptom of (future events or developments); foreshadow. [1/3 definitions]
symptomless combined form of symptom.