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Dictionary Suite
archbishopric the position, rank, or term of an archbishop. [2 definitions]
archdiocese the diocese presided over by an archbishop.
archiepiscopal of or pertaining to an archbishop.
crosier a staff topped by a crook or cross, borne by or before an abbot, bishop, or archbishop as a sign of his office.
grace (usu. cap.) a conventional title used in speaking to a duke, duchess, or archbishop, and formerly to a king or queen (usu. prec. by "His," "Her," or "Your"). [1/10 definitions]
Lord Spiritual a bishop or an archbishop who is a member of the British House of Lords. (Cf. Lord Temporal.)
metropolitan an archbishop having authority over bishops, as in the Roman Catholic Church. [1/7 definitions]
suffragan assisting or auxiliary to a bishop or archbishop. [2 definitions]