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brochette a small skewer or spit used for cooking.
en brochette (French) on a skewer, esp. broiled or grilled on a small spit or skewer.
gyro2 a sandwich made of pita bread stuffed with meat roasted on a rotating spit or skewer and various vegetables and condiments.
kabob (usu. pl.) small pieces of meat, sometimes interspersed with vegetables, cooked by roasting on a skewer; shish kebab.
shashlik cubes of lamb or veal, marinated and broiled on a skewer, often with vegetables; shish kebab.
shish kebab a dish consisting of meat, esp. lamb, and vegetables impaled on a skewer, seasoned, and broiled or roasted.
skewer to fasten, hold together, or pin down with or as if with a skewer. [1/3 definitions]