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A2 abbreviation of "ampere" or "amperes," a unit of electrical current that refers to the quantity of current that passes through a resistor of one ohm when a potential of one volt is applied, equal to one coulomb per second.
A3 abbreviation of "angstrom" or "angstroms," a unit of length equal to one hundred-millionth of a centimeter, used in measuring light waves.
a.1 abbreviation of "acre" or "acres," a unit of area equal to 43,560 square feet or 4,047 square meters, used in measuring land.
acre a unit of area equal to 43,560 square feet or 4,047 square meters, used in measuring land. [1/2 definitions]
activate to assign (a military unit) to active status. [1/6 definitions]
afghani the chief monetary unit of Afghanistan, equaling one hundred puls.
agora2 the smaller monetary unit of Israel. (Cf. shekel.)
aidman an enlisted medical corpsman attached to a combat unit.
air command a major unit in a military air force, esp. in the United States.
amalgamate to combine or blend into a single unit. [1/4 definitions]
ampere a unit of electrical current that refers to the quantity of current that passes through a resistor of one ohm when a potential of one volt is applied, equal to one coulomb per second. (abbr.: A, amp)
angstrom (often cap.) a unit of length equal to one hundred-millionth of a centimeter, used in measuring light waves; angstrom unit. (abbr.: A, A.U.)
are2 a unit of area equal to one hundred square meters or 119.6 square yards.
armament weapons and supplies used to equip a military unit such as a tank, warship, airplane, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
arrondissement in France, the highest administrative unit within a department. [1/2 definitions]
as2 an ancient Roman unit of weight equal to approximately twelve ounces; libra. [1/2 definitions]
astronomical unit a unit of length based on the average distance of the earth from the sun, equal to about 149.6 million kilometers or ninety-three million miles.
astronomical year a unit of time equal to the period between one vernal equinox and the next.
at2 the smaller monetary unit of Laos. (Cf. kip.)
atom an invisible component of any element, consisting of protons, neutrons, and electrons, once considered the smallest possible unit of matter. [1/2 definitions]
atomic mass unit a unit equal to one twelfth of the mass of an atom of the most abundant kind of carbon, equal to 1.6605 times 1024 gram.