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curse an expression of a desire that someone or something might suffer lasting misfortune, or, in tales of magic, a spell that brings lasting misfortune. [1/9 definitions]
gnome1 one of a group of little old men of folklore and fairy tales who live inside the earth and guard precious treasure. [1/2 definitions]
goblin in folklore and fairy tales, a small, ugly creature that does evil or mischief to humans.
motif a similar dominant or recurring element in folk tales, advertising or political campaigns, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
ogre an ugly giant or monstrous person that eats people, esp. one in folk tales and children's stories. [1/2 definitions]
regale to entertain or delight, as with humorous tales. [1/3 definitions]
romance formerly, a fictitious tale of the deeds and adventures of knights or other heroes, or the class of literature devoted to such tales. [1/7 definitions]
sandman in folklore and fairy tales, a person who makes children sleepy by sprinkling sand in their eyes.
storybook resembling or suggesting the romantic tales in a storybook. [1/2 definitions]
talesman a person summoned to be one of the tales on a jury.
The Arabian Nights an ancient collection of bawdy, supernatural, and adventurous folk tales from Persia, India, and Arabia.
Tom Thumb the extremely small hero of many English folk tales.