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afraid feeling polite sorrow or regret. [1/3 definitions]
agonize to express as part of one's distress, frustration, or regret. [1/4 definitions]
alack used to indicate dismay, sadness, or regret.
alas used to express regret, sorrow, or grief.
apologetic expressing or wanting to express regret, as for an error or an offense. [1/2 definitions]
apologize to express regret, as for an error or an offense. [1/2 definitions]
apology an expression of regret, as for an error or offense. [1/2 definitions]
be sorry to suffer the consequences; come to regret one's earlier action or decision.
compunction regret for doing something wrong or harmful; contrition. [1/2 definitions]
contrition regret for one's own wrongdoing, or for one's offenses against religious mandates.
deplore to show or have regret or sorrow about. [1/2 definitions]
envy to wish to have, or to regret not having (something that belongs to another). [1/4 definitions]
guilty characterized by or feeling guilt or regret. [1/2 definitions]
lament an expression of sorrow or regret. [3/5 definitions]
misgiving a feeling of regret, doubt, or apprehension.
mourn to feel or show great sorrow or regret over; deplore; bemoan. [1/5 definitions]
pang a sharp feeling of emotional hurt, regret, or longing. [1/2 definitions]
penance an act of punishment or self-discipline voluntarily undergone to show regret at having done something wrong. [2 definitions]
penitence the feeling or condition of being penitent; regret for one's wrongdoing.
penitent feeling or showing sorrow or regret for having done wrong. [1/3 definitions]
pity that which is a cause for sorrow or regret. [1/4 definitions]