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go on used as a good-natured rejection of excess flattery, exaggeration, or teasing. [1/6 definitions]
hype an instance or practice of exaggeration or extravagant techniques used to sell or promote. [1/4 definitions]
hyperbole in rhetoric, an obvious and deliberate exaggeration or overstatement, intended for effect and not to be taken literally, such as "He had a million excuses". (Cf. litotes.)
hyperbolize to use hyperbole or exaggeration in speaking or writing. [2 definitions]
literally without exaggeration; in complete truth; really. [1/2 definitions]
malarkey (informal) exaggeration or foolishness; nonsense.
melodrama a drama, or type of drama, characterized by exaggeration in the writing, production, and acting, and including much suspense and sentimentality. [1/2 definitions]
overexaggeration combined form of exaggeration.
restraint the quality of being emotionally reserved; graceful constraint of one's feelings; freedom from exaggeration. [1/4 definitions]
snow job (slang) an attempt to persuade or deceive by using flattery or exaggeration.
tall (informal) hard to believe; full of exaggeration. [1/6 definitions]