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anil a shrub of the pea family that is native to the West Indies, and from which indigo is obtained, or the blue dye itself. [1/2 definitions]
araroba this tree, a member of the pea family. [1/2 definitions]
broad bean a plant of the pea family that bears flat seeds that are used as a vegetable or an animal feed; fava bean.
cowpea the edible pealike seed of this plant, used as a vegetable; black-eyed pea. [1/2 definitions]
cube2 any of certain American plants related to the pea, the roots of which yield rotenone.
lentil an annual legume, related to the pea, that bears such seeds. [1/2 definitions]
lespedeza any of a variety of plants related to the pea, having trifoliolate leaves that are grown for forage, soil improvement, and the like.
marrowfat a variety of pea having large, plump seeds.
pea a plant, seed, or other object related to or resembling a pea plant or seed. [1/3 definitions]
pigeon pea a kind of tropical pea plant that bears vivid yellow flowers. [1/2 definitions]
pisolite a small, rounded, pea-sized mass of calcium carbonate. [1/2 definitions]
pod1 a long thin firm vessel containing seeds, esp. of a pea or bean plant. [1/4 definitions]
rattlebox a plant related to the pea, bearing seeds that rattle in their pods when ripe.
sainfoin a Eurasian perennial plant of the pea family that bears compound pink or white flowers and is often used for fodder.
snow pea a variety of pea with flat, edible pods.
split pea a shelled and dried yellow or green pea that has been split in half and is usu. used in soup.
stipule either of a pair of small, leaflike parts at the base of a leaf in plants such as the bean, pea, or rose.
sweet pea a climbing plant that is related to the pea and that bears fragrant, variously colored, butterfly-shaped flowers.
valvate in botany, meeting without overlapping, as the petals of some flowers, or opening with a valve, as a pea pod. [1/2 definitions]