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A-bomb an atomic bomb.
absorbable combined form of absorb.
adage an old familiar saying that expresses folk wisdom; proverb.
adsorbable combined form of adsorb.
adverbial of, relating to, or functioning as an adverb.
Aeschylus a Greek dramatist (525-456 B.C.).
Aesop an actual or legendary Greek writer of fables (620?-560? B.C.).
aide an assistant, esp. one who provides assistance as a job. [1/2 definitions]
Alexander the Great the king of Macedonia in 336-323 B.C. and conqueror of an empire that included Persia, Egypt, and part of Greece (356-323 B.C.).
alveolar of or pertaining to small cavities such as the terminal air sacs of the lungs or the cells of a honeycomb. [1/4 definitions]
alveolus a small cavity or pit, such as one of the terminal air sacs of the lungs or one cell of a honeycomb. [1/2 definitions]
Amos according to the Old Testament, a minor Hebrew prophet of the eighth century B.C. [1/2 definitions]
ancient Rome a civilization cultivated by the city-state of Rome from the 8th century B.C.E. through its development as a republic and its collapse as an empire in the 5th century A.D.
Arabian a native of Arabia; Arab. [1/4 definitions]
arachnoid resembling a cobweb. [1/5 definitions]
Archimedes a Greek mathematician and inventor (287?-212 B.C.).
Aristotle a Greek philosopher (384-322 B.C.).
asleep without feeling; numb. [1/7 definitions]
atom bomb see "atomic bomb."
atomic bomb an extremely destructive weapon, the explosive power of which derives from the immense amount of energy suddenly released when the nuclei of uranium 235 or plutonium atoms are split; atom bomb.
auxiliary see "auxiliary verb." [1/7 definitions]