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bowline a rope used to keep the weather edge of a square sail pulled forward and the sail as flat as possible when sailing close-hauled. [1/2 definitions]
bunt2 the central area of a square sail. [1/2 definitions]
buntline one of the ropes used to haul up a square sail for securing it to the mast.
foresail the principal sail hung on the forward mast or stay, such as the lowermost square sail on a square-rigged ship, or the jib on a cutter.
hermaphrodite brig a sailing ship with a foremast that has square sails and a mainmast that has sails parallel to the keel.
junk2 a high-sterned, flat-bottomed boat of Chinese origin, driven by square sails.
square-rigged of a sailing vessel, outfitted with square sails.
yardarm either half of a spar that hangs at right angles across a mast to support a square sail.