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angle1 the space between the lines of such a figure as measured in degrees, the number of which reflects the amount of turning that would be required to move one of the lines so that it meets and overlaps the other. [1/10 definitions]
bow out to remove oneself from an activity or the like; leave, withdraw, or resign.
check in chess, to move one's piece so as to put (an opponent's king) under attack. [1/19 definitions]
choke up in baseball, to move one's hands up from the bottom end of the bat. [1/2 definitions]
crowd to move oneself forward by pressing in on or pushing others. [1/9 definitions]
fidget to move one's body nervously and restlessly. [1/4 definitions]
get to move oneself, or succeed in moving oneself, so as to be in a different (specified) position or state with respect to something else. [1/17 definitions]
get down to move one's body to a lower place or position. [1/7 definitions]
get off to remove one's body from something that it has been standing on or pressing down on. [1/9 definitions]
impulse a spontaneous or sudden desire that may move one to action. [1/5 definitions]
landing gear the wheels or pontoons of an aircraft designed to enable it to move on land or water when not airborne.
marching orders orders to leave or move on.
misplay in sports, to make a mistake or illegal move on or with. [1/2 definitions]
parallel to be or move on a course parallel to. [1/9 definitions]
proceed to go forward or move on from a particular point. [1/6 definitions]
relocate to move one's home or business to another place. [1/3 definitions]
retire to remove oneself from a particular place or situation, esp. one of danger. [1/7 definitions]
round to move on a circular course. [1/24 definitions]
sit down to move one's body to a position in which one is resting on one's buttocks.
sneer to smile or move one's mouth in a scornful way, esp. by curling the upper lip. [1/5 definitions]
stuck unable to remove oneself from an undesirable situation or place. [1/5 definitions]