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Dictionary Suite
berry any of several small, juicy, pulpy fruits, usu. without a pit, such as the strawberry, raspberry, or gooseberry. [1/5 definitions]
fleshy characterized by a juicy or pulpy texture, as fruit or vegetables. [1/2 definitions]
grappa an Italian brandy distilled from the pulpy residue of grapes that have been pressed to make wine.
mash any soft, pulpy mixture, esp. one that includes crushed or ground ingredients. [1/5 definitions]
mushy soft and pulpy; resembling mush. [1/2 definitions]
purée a food that has been reduced to a uniform, pulpy consistency, as by straining. [1/2 definitions]
strawberry a red, pulpy, usu. conical edible fruit with seeds on the outside. [1/2 definitions]
tomato a usu. red, pulpy, juicy, slightly acidic edible fruit, typically eaten as a vegetable. [1/2 definitions]