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Dumet wire a particular type of wire, made of a combination of iron and nickel encased in a copper sleeve, used to create vacuum seals between glass and metal in items such as incandescent light bulbs.
filament in an electrical device such as a light bulb, a fine wire that lights or heats up when current is passed through it. [1/3 definitions]
globe a more or less spherical object, such as a round fishbowl or the glass of a light bulb. [1/6 definitions]
incandescent lamp a lamp or light bulb in which a filament is made to glow by electric current.
krypton an inert gaseous chemical element that has thirty-six protons in each nucleus, used esp. as the atmosphere in high-powered light bulbs. (symbol: Kr)
three-way designed to operate in three ways, esp. as a light bulb or electrical switch that operates on three different wattages.