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abattoir a place where animals are killed and cut up for food; slaughterhouse.
à la king diced and cooked in a cream sauce with green peppers, pimentos, and mushrooms.
ball1 a round or oval object, either hollow or solid and commonly used in sports and games. [1/7 definitions]
balsam fir an evergreen tree of the pine family, native to Canada and the northeastern United States, which is cut for pulpwood and Christmas trees and from which Canada balsam is derived.
beetle1 any of several insects with two pairs of wings, of which the front pair is hard and covers the rear pair when the wings are at rest. [1/2 definitions]
bitt a strong post standing, usu. as one of a pair, on the deck of a ship, around which cables and lines are wound and caught, as in mooring. [1/3 definitions]
boa constrictor a large nonpoisonous snake native to the American tropics that is pale brown with darker markings and that coils around and crushes its prey.
buck2 of a horse or similar animal, to leap off the ground and come down with stiff forelegs. [2/7 definitions]
caramelize to cook (food containing natural sugar) to the point wherein liquids and natural sugar are released and create a sweet and nutty-tasting brown syrup. [1/2 definitions]
caramelized (of a vegetable or other food containing natural sugar) cooked to the point wherein liquids and natural sugar are released and create a sweet and nutty-tasting brown syrup.
castanet one of a pair of slightly concave wooden or ivory instruments, held in the hand and clicked together to provide rhythmic accompaniment, esp. to certain Spanish dances.
chivalrous kind and courteous in a manner suggestive of chivalry. [1/3 definitions]
cholinesterase an enzyme found in the heart, brain, and blood that hydrolyzes acetylcholine to acetic acid and choline, to block the transmission of nerve impulses.
chopping block a thick block of wood on which food is chopped and cut in preparation. [1/2 definitions]
Co.2 abbreviation of "County," an administrative subdivision in other countries such as England and Canada (used in a proper name). [1/2 definitions]
cold pack a canning process in which food is placed into containers at room temperature, sealed in, and then sterilized and cooked simultaneously. [1/2 definitions]
command to lead and control. [1/12 definitions]
complex a set of desires, memories, and impulses that operate together in a person's unconscious mind and cause certain patterns of feeling, thought, and action. [1/5 definitions]
constrictor any of various snakes that coil around and crush their prey. [1/3 definitions]
county an administrative subdivision in other countries such as England and Canada. [1/3 definitions]
cracker a cylindrical cardboard party favor that makes a loud crack when opened and contains treats or favors. [1/4 definitions]