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albatross any of several of the largest seabirds, with webbed feet, long narrow wings, and hooked beaks, that are found chiefly in the Southern Hemisphere.
avocet any of several shore birds with long legs, webbed feet, and a long, narrow, upturned beak.
desman either of two molelike aquatic mammals found in eastern Europe and western Asia that feed on insects and have webbed feet and a long snout.
duck1 any of numerous birds that live in and near water and have webbed feet for swimming and a large flat bill. [1/3 definitions]
fin one of usu. several movable, webbed appendages that fish and other animals that live in the water use for swimming or balance. [1/8 definitions]
frog1 any of several amphibians without tails but with long hind legs adapted for jumping, esp. those with a smooth, moist skin and webbed feet, that live in marshy or watery habitats. [1/3 definitions]
grebe any of several diving birds related to loons and having lobed rather than webbed feet.
mink any of several small, carnivorous North American mammals that are related to the weasel, that have short legs, partly webbed feet, and a pointed snout, and that live near water. [1/3 definitions]
muskrat a large North American rodent that lives in and near water and has a long, scaly tail, webbed hind feet, and a musky odor. [1/2 definitions]
otter any of several sleek aquatic or semi-aquatic mammals that are related to the mink and weasel, and that have webbed feet, a long, somewhat flattened tail, and thick, dark brown fur.
penguin any of various large, flightless, aquatic birds of the colder regions of the Southern Hemisphere that have webbed feet and short flipperlike wings.
platypus an egg-laying mammal of Australia and Tasmania that has webbed feet for swimming, a broad, horny bill like that of a duck, and a long, flat tail, and that lives in and near water.
swan any of various large aquatic birds that have very long necks, usu. white plumage, and webbed feet. [1/2 definitions]
webby of, pertaining to, resembling, or having the nature of a web; webbed.