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age a distinctive period of cultural or geologic time. [1/11 definitions]
B horizon the subsoil in a geologic soil profile, bearing a concentration of material leached from the topsoil.
earthquake a shaking or other movement of part of the earth's surface, resulting from volcanic activity or the sudden release of tension along geologic fault lines.
epoch (cap.) a subdivision of a geologic period. [1/3 definitions]
era (caps.) any of the five largest divisions of geologic time, often subdivided into periods. [1/3 definitions]
fossil the remains or trace of a living organism from an earlier geologic age, embedded in earth or rock. [2/3 definitions]
metamorphic exhibiting, characterized by, or pertaining to geologic changes in the structure or constitution of rock. [1/2 definitions]
paleoclimate the earth's climate in a former geologic time period.
paleodataset an organized collection of data about former geologic time periods.
paleontology the scientific study of life in past geologic periods through examination of animal and plant fossils.
plate tectonics (used with a sing. verb) the geologic theory that the earth's crust consists of several independent plates floating on semiliquid magma, whose constant motion is the cause of continental drift, volcanic eruption, and the like.
salt dome a domelike structure produced in geologic strata by the intrusion of salt, often indicative of oil or gas deposits.