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arbitrage the purchase of a security or commodity in one financial market and its immediate resale in a different market, used as a way to profit from the difference in market prices. [1/3 definitions]
commodity dollar a proposed unit of currency whose value would vary according to an official index of key commodity prices.
duopoly control of a commodity in a market area by two suppliers or producers. (Cf. monopoly.)
gold coins or bullion made mostly or wholly of gold, used as a commodity, medium of exchange, or standard of value. [1/11 definitions]
loss leader a popular commodity that a retail store sells at or below its wholesale cost in order to attract customers to buy other goods at regular prices.
market the demand for a type of goods, commodity, or service. [1/6 definitions]
market price the price for which a commodity, security, or piece of merchandise sells in a given market; prevailing price.
market value the value of a business, property, security, commodity, or piece of merchandise in terms of the estimated price for which it can be sold in a given market.
monopoly complete control over a service or commodity within a given market, so that competition is eliminated. [1/5 definitions]
pit1 an area set aside for a specific purpose, such as commodity trading or refueling. [1/14 definitions]
public utility an organization operated usu. as a monopoly under government regulation or control, that provides an essential public commodity or service, such as electricity, water, transportation, and the like.
quotation the amount stated as the current price of a security or commodity. [1/4 definitions]
short interest the total number of shares or units of a security, commodity, or the like, that have been sold short and have not been repurchased.
silver coins or bullion made of silver, used as a commodity or medium of exchange. [1/12 definitions]
standard a commodity that serves as the basis of the value of a currency. [1/8 definitions]
staple2 an important commodity that is always in demand. [1/7 definitions]
straddle a pair of options, one to buy and one to sell a specified quantity of stock, or a commodity or financial future, at a specified price for a specified period of time. [1/8 definitions]
supply1 in economics, the amount of a commodity available for purchase at a particular price. [1/9 definitions]
traffic to deal in a specific commodity, esp. illegal items. [1/6 definitions]
valorize to fix or maintain the price of (a commodity), esp. by a government, as by buying up a commodity at a fixed price or by making special loans to the producers.