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Central African Republic an African country bordered by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Chad, and Sudan.
Chad a central African country bordered by Libya, Sudan, Central African Republic, and Niger.
Darfur a region of western Sudan.
Eritrea a country on the Red Sea, bordered by Sudan and Ethiopia; formerly a province of Ethiopia.
Ethiopia an African country near the Red Sea, bordered by Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, and Somalia.
Janjaweed (used with a pl. verb) a heavily-armed, mounted militia group based in the Darfur region of Sudan. The name "janjaweed" comes from the Arabic, meaning "ghost riders."
Khartoum the capital of Sudan.
millieme the smallest monetary unit of Sudan and Egypt. (Cf. pound.)
piaster the smaller monetary unit of Egypt, Lebanon, Sudan, and Syria. (Cf. pound.) [1/2 definitions]
pound2 the chief monetary unit of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Sudan, equaling one hundred piasters. [1/4 definitions]
South Sudan a country in east-central Africa, formerly part of Sudan.