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Allah in the religion of Islam, the name of the supreme deity.
Black Muslim a member of the Nation of Islam.
caliph in Islam, a spiritual and political leader in some Muslim countries.
crescent the emblem of Turkey or Islam. [1/5 definitions]
faithful the devoted followers of a religion, esp. Christianity or Islam (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/7 definitions]
heathen someone who is regarded as being outside a given religious orthodoxy, esp. one not converted to Christianity, Judaism, or Islam; unconverted person. [1/5 definitions]
infidel one who does not believe in or accept a religious faith, esp. that of Christianity or Islam. [1/2 definitions]
Ishmael according to the Old Testament, an illegitimate son of Abraham who was sent into exile with his mother Hagar and who is venerated by Arabs of Islam as their ancestor.
Islam collectively, the countries in which Islam is the dominant religion. [1/3 definitions]
Islamic of or pertaining to Islam or to the culture inspired by it.
Islamize to convert to, or come to bring into conformity with, Islam.
jihad a holy war against enemies of Islam, undertaken by Muslims as a duty. [1/2 definitions]
Koran the fundamental sacred text of Islam, believed to have been revealed to Muhammad by Allah and serving as the basis of Muslim religion, law, and secular conduct.
Medina a city in western Saudi Arabia, holy to Islam because Muhammad is buried there.
Muhammad an Arab prophet and the founder of Islam (570-632 A.D.).
Muhammadan an adherent of Islam; Muslim. [1/2 definitions]
Muhammadanism the Muslim religion; Islam.
Muslim of or pertaining to the religion, culture, or civilization of Islam. [2/3 definitions]
Nation of Islam an organization, mainly of U.S. blacks, that espouses the religious and ethical doctrines of Islam. (See Black Muslim.)
Shiah the Shiites, the main minority sect of Islam. [1/2 definitions]
Shiite a member of the Shiah sect of Islam, which does not accept the Sunna as authoritative and considers Muhammad's son-in-law Ali to be the legitimate successor to Muhammad. (Cf. Sunnite.)