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abusive inclined to treat others with cruelty or disrespect. [1/4 definitions]
accumulative inclined to accumulate; acquisitive. [1/2 definitions]
adulterous pertaining to, in the nature of, characterized by, or inclined toward adultery.
allergic (informal) disliking; not inclined to. [1/3 definitions]
amorous generally inclined to feeling romantic love, or inclined at a particular time to engage in romantic or sexual activity. [1/2 definitions]
apt inclined or disposed. [1/4 definitions]
bacchant inclined to carouse. [1/4 definitions]
backswept inclined or swept toward the rear.
balky inclined to stop short and then refuse to proceed; stubborn; obstinate.
bookish inclined to reading or study (often used disparagingly). [1/3 definitions]
bulkhead an inclined, horizontal structure over the stairway to a cellar. [1/3 definitions]
captious inclined to petty criticism; faultfinding. [1/2 definitions]
carping inclined to find fault or complain.
cautious displaying or inclined to show caution; wary; careful.
clement inclined to be merciful or forgiving; lenient. [1/2 definitions]
consumptive inclined to consume; wasteful. [1/4 definitions]
contentious inclined to argue; quarrelsome; belligerent. [1/2 definitions]
conversable able to or inclined to converse. [1/2 definitions]
cruel inclined to inflict or intentionally inflicting pain, hardship, or suffering. [1/3 definitions]
dishonest inclined to lie, steal, or cheat; not honest or trustworthy. [1/2 definitions]
disincline to be or cause to be unwilling or not inclined.