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bitter having a sharp and unpleasant taste that is neither sour nor salty. [1/5 definitions]
brackish somewhat salty; briny. [1/2 definitions]
briny of or like brine or salt water; very salty. [1/2 definitions]
fresh not salty. [1/11 definitions]
freshwater consisting of or pertaining to water that is not salty. [2/3 definitions]
fresh water water that is not salty.
miso a salty soybean paste, used esp. in Japanese cuisine.
salami a spicy, salty sausage, originally from Italy, that is usu. made with beef or pork.
salina a salty marsh, spring, lake, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
saltwort any of several related plants native to Europe and Asia that grow on salty soil or beaches, esp. Russian thistle.
savory1 not sweet; piquant or salty. [1/4 definitions]
solar pond a pond with a top layer of fresh water and a bottom layer of dense hot salty water, used to trap solar energy for use in heating or to generate electricity.
sour the taste sensation produced by something tart or acid; one of the four basic tastes, along with bitter, salty, and sweet. [1/10 definitions]
soy sauce a thin, dark, salty sauce made from fermented soybeans and used esp. in Chinese and Japanese cooking.
sweat to excrete salty fluid from the skin pores for cooling of the body; perspire. [1/18 definitions]
sweet having a flavor like that of sugar or honey; not bitter, salty, or sour in taste. [1/14 definitions]
tear1 a drop of salty liquid produced in the eye which serves to cleanse and lubricate the surface of the eye and which is often produced in greater amounts when a person feels certain emotions, esp. sadness. [1/4 definitions]
terrapin an edible North American turtle that lives in fresh or somewhat salty water.