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coaxial cable a high-frequency electronic transmission cable that has two layers of conductive material, one inside the other and separated by insulation.
foam a lightweight, bulky material with many small airholes, used esp. in packaging or as insulation; Styrofoam. [1/6 definitions]
glass wool fibers of spun glass that resemble wool and are used in insulation and air filters.
hard rubber rubber made tough and inflexible by treating it with sulfur at a high heat, used for hair combs, insulation, and the like.
kapok the silky, fibrous down in the seeds of various tropical trees, used for insulation and padding.
lagging thermal insulation that is wrapped around pipes, boilers, and the like. [2/3 definitions]
leak in electronics or electrical transmission, the loss of electrical current, usu. resulting from inadequate insulation. [1/10 definitions]
Masonite trademark for a board made of pressed wood fibers, used for insulation, partitioning, and the like.
mica any of a group of silicated minerals occurring as crystalline structures that separate into thin, often transparent, chips or sheets, used as electrical insulation and as a substitute for glass at high temperatures; isinglas.
mineral wool a wool-like material made of molten rock, slag, or glass, and used as insulation.
perlite a volcanic glass with distinctive concentric cracks, used in the manufacture of concrete and plaster, and thermal and acoustic insulation.
PFAS acronym for perflouroalkyl and polyflouroalkyl substances. Such chemical substances are used in a vast number of products and applications such as non-stick coatings for cookware, cleaning products, wire insulation, clothing, and food packaging. Some are known to be toxic, and, as a group, they are considered at least potentially harmful to human and animal health. They are also considered an environmental pollutant, as they can take thousands of years to break down, earning the the appellation "forever chemicals."
polyethylene a lightweight plastic polymer of ethylene used for packaging, tubing, electrical insulation, and the like.
polyurethane any of various synthetic resins that can become flexible or set when heated and that are used for coatings, padding, insulation, and adhesives.
rosin oil a viscous, brownish, odorless oil obtained by fractional distillation of rosin and used in lubricants, electrical insulation, and inks.
rubber1 this substance chemically treated and modified, as by vulcanizing, and used in tires, erasers, electric insulation, elastic bands, and the like. [1/8 definitions]
sponge rubber a light porous spongelike rubber used in rubber balls, gaskets, insulation, and the like; foam rubber.
Styrofoam trademark for a firm, lightweight polystyrene used in various forms for insulation, packaging, and the like.
vermiculite a highly water-absorbent mineral produced by the heating and expansion of grains of mica, used as a heat insulation and a potting medium for plants.
weatherize to improve (a building) by adding insulation, weatherstripping, or the like, in preparation for cold weather.
winterize to prepare (a house, vehicle, or the like) for winter, as with covering, insulation, or antifreeze.