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allied (cap.) of the Allies in World War I or II. [1/3 definitions]
cold war (cap.) the state of intense political and ideological hostility and competition for power that obtained between the communist Soviet Union and China and their allies, and the United States and its democratic allies, between the end of World War II and about 1990. The Cold War, always stopping short of direct military conflict, manifested in the arms race, the space race, and proxy wars in Vietnam, Korea, and the Middle East. [1/2 definitions]
entente the group of allies who have agreed to an entente. [1/2 definitions]
lend-lease the material aid, esp. weapons, tools, food, and services, supplied by the United States during World War II to its allies and to certain other countries whose defense was considered vital to U.S. national security.
patronage the power to award government jobs, contracts, and favors, esp. to political allies, or the jobs and the like that are so awarded. [1/3 definitions]
World War I a major four-year war fought primarily in Europe between the Allies, including France, Great Britain, and the United States, and the Central Powers, including Germany and Austria-Hungary, that ended in 1918 with the collapse of the Central Powers; Great War.
WWI abbreviation of "World War I," a major four-year war fought primarily in Europe between the Allies, including France, Great Britain, and the United States, and the Central Powers, including Germany and Austria-Hungary, that ended in 1918 with the collapse of the Central Powers; the Great War.