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cathedral the principal church of a bishop's diocese, containing his official throne. [2/5 definitions]
crown prince the male heir to a throne.
crown princess a female heir to a throne. [1/2 definitions]
dethrone to remove from the throne or other high and powerful position; depose.
enthrone to put upon a throne. [1/3 definitions]
infanta the daughter of a Spanish or Portuguese king, or the wife of his son who is not heir to the throne.
infante a son of a Spanish or Portuguese king who is not heir to the throne.
Jacobite a supporter of James II of England or of the Stuart claimants to the throne following 1688.
legitimist one who supports legitimate authority, esp. that of a claim to a throne based on hereditary right.
Prince of Wales a title held by the heir apparent to the British throne.
restoration (cap.) the period during which Charles II returned to the English throne, from 1660 to about 1685. [1/5 definitions]
succession the transmission of a throne, title, office, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
unthrone to depose from or as from a throne; dethrone or topple.